A new day, a new year! And now, a new Thursday tradition… time to get creative (at least) once a week with a Thursday Thirteen! What do you want to know about One Woman Army? Send your comments and suggestions for future Thursday Thirteens!
1. Sleeping in everyday - until at least 10am, if not later. Getting back to a regular sleep pattern and using an alarm clock again is very trying…
2. Watching dvd after dvd after dvd on my nearly broken dvd player. All day long. Every day.
3. Spending some quality time with my kitty-cat-o, who has been very lonely for her work-a-holic mother.
4. Not thinking about WORK!!!!!!
5. My Christmas lights. They may never come down again. They beat lamps anyday.
6. Marching, protesting in Victoria, British Columbia for the SWC protests. It was on my vacation, so it counts.
7. Feeling the most at peace ever about living alone and being by myself during the holiday season.
8. And simultaneously, spending the holidays with my dear dear friends Aphrodite and co. Waking up Christmas morning in her house, opening stockings, being with my new family.
9. Blustery winter days and bundling up in quilts on my futon. Never leaving the house and just watching the swirling snow outside the window.
10. Finally catching up with family I haven’t spoken to in months and months and months… I am a bad family member and friend. I don’t answer my phone.
11. Finally getting time to read - mostly on airplanes albeit. Reading The Story of Jane Doe by Jane Doe. Highly highly recommended.
12. Learning to cook!!!!!! Thus far, I have made pad thai and red lentil curry, plus finally perfected the art of baking salmon.
13. Last but not least - getting my life on track! As in, not thinking about work, not wanting to think about work, and most importantly realizing that there are more important things and more interesting things than work. That I do not want to solely do work for my whole life. It is bad for me. And most of it is unpaid. And its time to put a stop to that, to enjoy myself more, to really relax and continue to get to know myself and be at peace with myself. (sound like a resolution much?)
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Title Deleted For Security Reasons
2. Raggedy
3. Rashenbo
4. Michelle
5. incog
6. Nathalitanis
8. Tink
10. SciFiChick
12. Buttercup & Bean
13. Haley-O
14. N Mallory
15. ~M~
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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