And they have every right to be.
I’ve talked before about the cuts to Status of Women Canada.
$5 million dollars. That a whole 40% of its operating budget. This
past week, the supposedly right honorable Minister Bev Oda, Minister
responsible for Status of Women, announced the closure of
three-quarters of the Status of Women offices in Canada. This
effectively disables the organization - and with it women’s equality in
Oda said:
“The government recognizes, knows and does not have to be told that
women are equal… Women across Canada will support the $5 million cut.”
Women are already equal huh? We don’t need this money? I guess this
is why she also removed the word “equality” from the agenda of Status
of Women Canada.
Women’s rights, services, advocacy and equality are under
full-attack in Canada. So women are equal? This is the reality of
Canadian women:
- women with post-secondary degrees earn 68.9% of what their male counterparts do.
- Canada ranks 38th in the world in the wage gap. Who’s more equal
than Canada? Cambodia, Kenya, Czech Republic, and over 30 others!
- Canada ranks 25th in the world in the representation of women in professional and technical occupations.
- the average income for Canadian men: $36,865. The average income for Canadian women: $22,885.
- 1 in 5 Canadian women live in poverty.
- half of all single, widowed, and divorced women over 65 live in poverty.
- 67% of minimum wage earners are women.
- 29% of Canadian women have been assaulted by a spouse.
- half of all Canadian women have been sexually or physically assaulted.
- 43% of women have been sexually assaulted before the age of 16.
- in Canada, women make up 50.4% of the population, but only 20.8 of the seats in the House of Common.
This year is the 25th anniversary of Canada’s signing of the UN
Convention to Eliminate all forms of Discrimination Against Women. It’s
time to hold Harper accountable.
Here’s a snapshot of events across Canada:
On December 10th (Human Rights Day), if you’re in Ottawa, rally for equality and justice! 1:30pm at the Supreme Court of Canada.
In St. John’s, Newfoundland? Join in the protests
as the only Status of Women’s office in Newfoundland is being
eliminated! December 8th meet at the Colonial Building at noon to rally
against the cuts.
In Victoria, British Columbia, head to the
government buildings at noon on December 8th. These cuts come on top of
massive 100% funding cuts to women’s centres in BC over the last 4
years by the Campbell government.
In Winnipeg, Manitoba, attend a Funeral for Women’s Equality on December 8th at noon at the Women’s Memorial Grove on the legislature grounds.
In Moncton, New Brunswick, meet at the City Hall at noon on December 8th.
Bring your signs, your pots and pans, your energy and let this government know that women’s rights are human rights!!!!!!
For more information:
In sisterhood, Artemis
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