I have only been back blogging for barely two days, and the trolls are already out.
There is no women's space that is sacred any more - not even the blogosphere.
I find it ironic that in writing a post about fighting for my right to feel safe on the street, to feel safe walking alone - I get attacked verbally and harassed in writing about it.
What do I wake up this morning to find but trolls attacking my right to feel safe.
I shouldn't be surprised. I am surprised it happened so quickly after my return to blogging.
And yet I have only to look at my lovely sister bloggers who are experiencing the same harassment. The amazing Heart over at Women's Space/The Margins. The fab Laurelin of Laurelin in the Rain. And Biting Beaver, who is sadly, desperately missed and who I hope has found some peace outside the blogosphere.
I'm staying here. I'm writing. I'm fighting.
Fighting the good fight. No one is going to take me down.
When someone disagree, you censor their words?
What about violence against men by controling women who know how easy he can be thrown in jail on a single phone call, no evidence needed?
Her say is akin to gospel.
For men, this means Hell...
Posted by: Adam | February 17, 2008 at 10:50 AM
>Ban them! I have zero patience with trolls after years of having them disrupt news and discussion groups. There is a deliberate attempt upon the part of right-wing extremists to wreck progressive, feminist, anti-war and environmentalist groups by posting reams of insults and neocon boilerplate.
Troll here, but not trolling in this post; a good percentage of trolls are liberal; none have a political affiliation or motive; if they did, they would be cast out. We have zero tolerance for wreaking havoc because of a political stance. Our policy is to make your life hell because it is funny to watch reactions and such, like this blog post here, but anyone who is doing it to suppress speech or political rights is just wrong! Suffer for living, not for you beliefs!
Posted by: Suspended Troll | August 17, 2007 at 05:51 PM
THe only reson that the blogs have been attacked is because of BitingBeaver's son, Brandon's mysterious disappearance, and Mearle harvesting people's IP addresses. Don't react, and you'll be ok. Mearle tried to attack the trolls, and got taken down. it's sad, but....yeah.
Posted by: Anonymous | August 17, 2007 at 05:43 PM
I'm so glad the trolls haven't found my blog yet. Just remember that they have to put women down to feel better about themselves. they're just sad, pathetic souls.
Welcome back to blogging.
Posted by: Activist Mommy | August 13, 2007 at 04:05 PM
Good for you. Hang in there and show them who's boss. Your blog is also hosted with Typepad, and if there's one thing Typepad does better than all other blogging platforms, it's the feature that allows you to ban unwanted individuals.
It's perfectly alright to disagree with different views (we cannot possibly all agree on everything), but attacks, insults, etc. are the tools of morons and retards, and they must be banned.
Posted by: Ideas and Issues | August 13, 2007 at 03:39 AM
Ban them! I have zero patience with trolls after years of having them disrupt news and discussion groups. There is a deliberate attempt upon the part of right-wing extremists to wreck progressive, feminist, anti-war and environmentalist groups by posting reams of insults and neocon boilerplate.
Posted by: Larry Gambone | August 13, 2007 at 01:44 AM
I don't think you should ban them. I think people should see what is par for the course for women bloggers.
Besides, then I can come and tell them to go fuck themselves.
Posted by: Polly Jones | August 12, 2007 at 08:47 PM
Just ban them. They'll get the message. Keep posting!
Posted by: Dr.Dawg | August 12, 2007 at 05:05 PM