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August 12, 2007



Can you hear me cheering? No? Okay, I AM cheering for you, your walk and this post. Oh! and your nomination over at the Canadian F Word awards. How cool is that? Congrats on being a victor of circumstances.

Angry Jenny

Okay I feel the same exact way that you describe in your post. I use "the walking home in the dark story" all the time as an example to show my frustrations for being a woman. Presently there is a night rapist in my old hometown, and you know what the police had to say about that? "Women should use common sense and stay inside at night." Can you believe that?!! How about men stay inside and don't attack women? Hmm...

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Artemis - A One Woman Army

  • Contact Artemis at onewomanarmy.blog (at) gmail.com

    I am Artemis.
    Named for she who is both the huntress and nurturer.
    I am a feminist and activist.
    I am a One Woman Army.

    "i do it for the joy it brings
    because i'm a joyful girl
    because the world owes me nothing
    and we owe each other the world
    i do it because it's the least i can do
    i do it because i learned it from you
    and i do it just because i want to
    because i want to"

    - Ani Difranco, Joyful Girl

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