This one is courtesy of Wacky Mommy. The idea was ten scillintating things about me that my family and/or friends and/or cat doesn't know about me - I'm extending it to thirteen.
This is easier said than done - I'm a pretty open person and there's not much that most people who know me don't know!!!
Here goes:
1. A One Woman Army - while some of my friends have had the privilege of knowing this blog, my family does not know. There is a safety and security in having a space to write and a place of one's own.
2. My cat doesn't know that I'm thinking and wishing of getting her a friend to keep her company - and I doubt she'd be all that pleased with the idea.
3. How much I actually do love being naked - in my own comfort zone and space. Nudity is a hard thing to get comfortable with - and sure, as a feminist, I can say that we should all learn to be comfortable in and with our own bodies and not care about society around us. I love being naked, I love wearing bikini's - in my own comfort space and privacy and without the glare of anybody on me.
4. My family would probably disapprove to know that I would be completely happy I think working a minimum-paying job for the rest of life and living on a tight tight tight tight budget if it meant I got to work with feminist ideals and principles every day of my life.
5. Also that I really don't care that much that I've taken 4 years to do my master's so far and its still progressing (2.5 x longer than its supposed to take).
6. My brother does not know that as a kid I continuously snuck into his room to pilfer coins from his piggy bank.
7. I read PostSecret and like to imagine the various postcards were written by me, to me, are someone I know. I can be way too empathetic at times.
8. I secretly fear that I will never be able to have children simply because I want them so much.
9. I also fear that I will never be able to get a job that I really love - or even one that I don't love.
10. I secretly like scary movies.
11. If I weren't living in a district with an amazing NDP candidate (Lorraine Michael); I might actually have considered voting Conservative in the next provincial election - I think Danny Williams is doing an amazing job standing up for Newfoundland and Labrador!!!
12. I watch home movies of my mother and secretly still don't forgive myself for our fight.
13. Loving having secrets and still won't share certain ones.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
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