Thirteen Reasons Why I Blog
1. This is not a TT just about blogging in general - but rather one about being a female, feminist blogger. That is my primary reason for blogging and also my reason why I think its important.
2. As a female feminist blogger - I am able to reclaim my voice that has been lost and stolen from me.
3. … and hopefully enable other women to reclaim their own voice.
4. I am able to take part in a shared online community of sisterhood - fight the patriarchy and fuck shit up!
5. I can reclaim my voice while also staying within the protection that an anonymous blog affords me. Speaking up takes a lot of courage, and doing it from the safety of pseudonym can be an important tool for fucking shit up.
6. I can learn from other amazing incredible feminists.
7. I am adding to an online feminist dialogue.
8. I can critique to my heart’s content the world’s patriarchy.
9. I can be me. I can speak. I can shout. I can cry online. I can find others who see me and support me and understand me. And yes, even others who disagree with me.
10. I can dialogue and learn - by blogging my feminist opinions and stories, I start a dialogue. And that dialogue may lead me to new thoughts and critiques and opinions and knowledge.
11. I can reclaim my own power.
12. I can take a bit of time and space out of my day just for me - and for this 10 minutes in time, I have a voice, and no one can interrupt me. For a woman in this world, that is a lot.
13. My blog is all mine. It gives me strength and courage. I am fighting the patriarchy through words, and that is a powerful thing.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
Dewey, Christine, damozel, A Metamophaself of Gabrielle, (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
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