I am in awe of women.
I don’t know if I can truly express this awe. I am full of emotion. I have no words. My heart swells.
Last night was night #1 of the 2007 production of The Vagina Monologues.
I have been involved with the V-Day movement for several years now, and yet, each year, I am consistently made aware anew the intense amazing power of women. As our host says, “V-Day is a catalyst. A spirit. An energy”. Stories are overwhelmingly revealed. Stories are shared. Experiences are told. Tears fall. Laughter is heard in the darkness of the theatre, coming full-bellied out of the audience, the women on stage. Secrets, untold and hidden - are revealed and trusted.
The work of women is so often hidden, unspoken. The experiences of women are unspoken. But that is what The Vagina Monologues is about - making the unspoken, the hidden, the shameful, the secret - spoken all again.
Giving a voice to those who have not previously had a voice.
This year V-Day is focusing on Women in Conflict Zones. V-Day is envisioning a new world. We are Reclaiming Peace.
From the V-Day website:
“In 2007 the V-Day Spotlight addresses Women in Conflict Zones because war exponentially increases the crimes of violence against women and girls. In equal measure the strength and resilience of women in rebuilding their communities and leading governments to peaceful solutions needs to be celebrated.
For women, not just during war but for decades to come, armed conflict means escalated military, sexual, and domestic violence, lack of security as a displaced person or refugee, and vulnerability to sex traffickers and coerced prostitution even by the peacekeepers themselves. Given the 21st century’s escalating armed conflicts, impunity for wartime sexual violence cannot be tolerated. As patterns of wartime rape and sexual violence continue today in places such as Sudan, Congo, and Iraq, it is paramount to expose and condemn these crimes through international media coverage and public outcry and efforts in our communities themselves.
V-Day first took aim at wartime sexual violence with the 2002 Spotlight: Afghanistan Is Everywhere, followed by the 2005 Spotlight: Women of Iraq: Under Siege, and the 2006 Spotlight: The Global V-Day Campaign for Justice to ‘Comfort Women.’ Our 2007 Spotlight will continue to ensure that wartime sexual violence remains in the media and public eye.”
Tonight is another amazing, beautiful night. I can’t wait.
To find a V-Day production in your community visit V-Day. Benefit productions of The Vagina Monologues are going on until March 8th.
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